Saturday, 23 July 2011

路洞导致交通意外上升 – 2011年 6月2 日

2011 62 汉都亚路组屋居民曾目睹摩托车骑士被Meranti 3 路的一个大洞绊倒,而每周有大约会有四,五宗意外发生。居民指其实市政局之前已填补过,但不久后又浮现,什至更大与更深。居民黄先生,64岁指出去年十一月该大洞已修补好,但今年三月又裂开。马华一个大马工作队副队长颜骏任已指示市政局一劳永逸的解决该路洞问题,以免摩托车骑士与居民遭殃。

PAS slammed over MTV protest

PETALING JAYA: PAS' objection to the MTV concert came under fire from various groups which described the party as narrow-minded.
MCA Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong said PAS was being insensitive to the reality of multi-ethnic Malaysia by imposing its values on others.

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Charge the MACC officers, says Chua

SEREMBAN: The Government should institute disciplinary and legal action against MACC officers who had failed to observe procedures which led to the death of political aide Teoh Beng Hock.

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Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Added significance to establishment of diplomatic ties with the Vatican

MCA HQ, 19 Jul- In welcoming and supporting the establishment of diplomatic ties with the Vatican following the successful visit to the Vatican by an entourage led by the Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato’ Sri  Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak and which also included the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur Tan Sri Murphy Pakiam, MCA President Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek expressed his confidence that the visit will strengthen the bilateral ties between Malaysia and the Holy See.

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88.6% Chinese applicants for IPTA entry successful

MCA HQ,19 July – Speaking at a press conference upon completion of the MCA Central Committee meeting, MCA President Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek informed the press corps that the success rate for Chinese applications into public universities this year or better known by its acronym IPTA numbered to 88.6%. “This is a high level,” Soi Lek said.

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MCA Youth Candidate Up for Senatorship

MCA HQ, 19 July – In view that Senator Tan Sri Tee Hock Seng’s term as senator will end on 14 July 2011, the MCA Central Committee today had decided to put forward Sdr Chiew Lian Keng’s name to succeed Hock Seng.

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Joint MCA-TNB Panel to Look Into Meter Complaints

MCA HQ, 19 July – The MCA Central Committee meeting today was briefed by Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) regarding the many complaints from the public regarding the sudden mount in charges for electricity after the installation of new electric reading meters.

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Rise in Number of Registered Vehicles Proof of Vibrant Economy

MCA HQ, 19 July – MCA Secretary-General Dato’ Sri Kong Cho Ha today refuted claims by the Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) that there was a drop in the number of registered vehicles in the first half of this year (January to June) as compared to the number of registered vehicles at the same time last year.

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Tuesday, 19 July 2011

PAS is testing the Chinese community and marginalizing non-Muslims

The removal of the entertainment ban during Ramadan is only a ploy by PAS as they were only testing the reaction of the Chinese community to see if they have any objections to the party’s policies.

This is proven in PAS’s attempts to implement Islamic policy in Kelantan, which has a Muslim majority. They did not face much opposition there, but in Kedah, the Chinese community is much bigger than that in Kelantan, and so to explore the possibilities of implementing Islamic policy there.

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DAP must not abandon the Kelantan Chinese just because their numbers are small

DAP political posturing is an attempt at numbing the sensitivity towards PAS Islamic state agenda. Islamic Laws including state laws and moral policing will be gently introduced with subtlety by PAS. This political intent is entrenched in PAS constitution and will remain PAS primary political agenda. In Kelantan whereby the minorities are marginalized, Pakatan had successfully allowed PAS to get away with laws infringing into the minorities rights and freedom.

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MCA National Youth holds meeting with American political delegation

MCA National Youth hosted the American Council of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL), an organization committed to setting up exchanges all over the world for young political leaders. Stopping in Kuala Lumpur as part of their United States of America to the Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia exchange, 6 rising American politicians who are both from the Republic and Democrat parties met with exco members of the MCA National Youth and Wanita MCA.

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Choose courses according to qualifications

MCA National Youth Education Bureau will be helping STPM and Matriculation students or students with equivalent qualifications, who had failed to gain admission into public universities of their choice or had failed to obtained the courses that they wanted.

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Teachers have to follow proper procedures when applying for leave

Deputy Minister of Education Datuk Dr Ir Wee Ka Siong informs that “as a guiding principle, teachers who get their salary from the government and who want to apply for leave, should follow the proper procedure.”

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Friday, 15 July 2011

Kedah’s Ramadan ban on nightspots goes against PAS and Pakatan Rakyat’s Orange Book Manifesto

Today it was announced that the Kedah state government would enforce the Ramadan ban on entertainment outlets, including karaoke centers and discotheques put in place by the state Entertainment Enactment 1997. While the Kedah government was careful to say that Chinese eateries and fast food restaurants were to remain open, their ban on entertainment hubs is still harmful to local business.

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“Jom Shopping” welfare scheme just another election ploy – MCA Selangor

The “Jom Shopping” programme by Pakatan Rakyat Selangor as reported in The Sun  is akin to buying the people’s votes to gain their support. While the Federal government chooses not to brag about its expenditure amounting to RM422.5 million to help the senior citizens in our country by giving them RM 300 a month, Pakatan instead brings them shopping.

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120,496 senior citizens who received aid only a part of the entire Welfare Programme

The RM 422.5 million given out is about 35% of the entire expenditure of the Welfare Department which totals to RM 1.2 billion. This information is based on the reply given by Senator Heng Seai Kie, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, to the Dewan Negara on 6 July 2011.

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Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Pothole in Taman Kenanga - 29th May, 2011

29th May, 2011 - Big pothole in Taman Kenanga had posed great danger to motorists and drivers, and the depth of the hole was 4 to 5 meters. Frankie Gan, the deputy leader of 1Malaysia Task Force Team MCA - FT together with Daniel Ling, inspected the pothole and indicated the area subsided a few times. And he has already contacted the DBKL to seek for help to fill up the pothole. Frankie Gan also blasted the Alam Flora did not collect and clear rubbish regularly.

1MCA Medical Foundation hands out cheques totaling over RM200,000

The President also expressed the party’s appreciation that since the Foundation is a long-term activity, “we are proud that from time to time, donors have come forward. This year, we received RM1.5million and have given out more than RM1.6 million.” Since the Foundation’s launch where RM 10million has been collected, the President informed that RM5million will be channeled to needy patients this year.

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Teargas were not lobbed into Tung Shin Hospital – A Matter of Perception

When a journalist inquired if it was okay to fire into a hospital compound, Soi Lek also turned the tables onto the protestors, explaining that the protestors had endangered the patients in the hospital by rushing into the building.

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MCA President reiterates disapproval of Bersih 2.0

Election demonstrations have only been a big deal to keep the anti-government feelings moving, which shows Bersih had a clear political agenda to accomplish.

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Pakatan Rakyat hijacked the Bersih rally for own political mileage

Pakatan Rakyat should not have hijacked the Bersih rally. This is a cheap political ploy to fish for votes and to achieve political milestone of citing people to hate the government.

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Pakatan’s contradictions on Bersih rally

The MCA President once again highlighted the contradictions contained within Pakatan Rakyat erroneous claims of tainted electoral roll as evidenced with the Opposition’s most successful outing at the 12th general elections held on 8 March 2008.
“They won big with more than 80 Opposition Members of Parliament elected in,” Soi Lek explained adding that “they also won 5 states” alluding to Selangor, Penang, Perak, Kedah while retaining Kelantan.

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市政厅重建百万桥梁 – 2011年5月28日

2011年5月28日 -- 甲洞花园一带居民所使用的一栋桥梁已倒塌了九个月,导致每天大约两千居民必须绕道两公里路程至甲洞大路,因为交通诸塞每人平均花费30分钟。马华一个大马工作队到现场了解情况,队长陈元虎已投函给市政厅有关事件。市政厅将公开有关工程竞标,重建费大约需耗超过一百万零吉,估计明年二月将完竣重建。

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Family of 8 Getting Their Home Unit - 27th May, 2011

27th May, 2011 - Finally, a family of 8 got their own flat unit in Kepong. Mr Foo was unable to pay the rent and electricity bill for a year and a half and as a result, the power supply was cut off. And his 6 children had to study in the dim light from the corridor. With the help from 1Malaysia Task Force Team MCA - FT, they managed to get a DBKL flat unit. And people also donated items such as furniture, electrical appliances to them. Now, Mr Foo is working as a lorry driver at Selayang Pasar Borong. He is thankful to the MCA for the assistance given to him and his family.








净 选盟选择以趋向可能导致紧张关系和出现暴力的街头游行,这在多元种族的国家里形同玩火,引起反弹必殃及普罗大众。民联为夺权不惜玉石俱焚,采取一手选票一 手游行,无法通过民主选举程序改朝换代,就利用种种外围组织误导人民,只要选民轻信以为国阵打压反对党,那民联在来届大选的胜算或许又提高多几成了!

刊登于《星洲日报》专栏  9.7.2011

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

How can the Hulu S’gor District Council boast of 80% cukai pintu collection rate when past records show 50% didn’t pay?

YB Wong Koon Mun, the MCA Selangor State Liaison Committee Secretary suspects that the Pakatan Rakyat-led Selangor State Government is using wrong statistics to mislead the Rakyat in its report of an 80% cukai pintu collection rate by the Hulu Selangor District Council.

How can the Hulu S’gor District Council boast of 80% cukai pintu collection rate when past records show 50% didn’t pay?

Agenda Politik Pakatan Rakyat Mengorbankan Keamanan Sosial Negara – Wanita MCA Selangor

Pakatan Rakyat dan NGO BERSIH adalah hipokrit kerana mereka menuntut Pilihan Raya Umum yang bersih, adil dan demokratik  mengikut syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan oleh mereka, tetapi apabila Pakatan Rakyat mencapai kemenangan besar semasa PRU 308.

Agenda Politik Pakatan Rakyat Mengorbankan Keamanan Sosial Negara

Attention should be given to female decision-makers

The Barisan Nasional government had announced in 2004 that the civil service to attain the quota of 30% of women in policy-making positions, but now we are further implementing this policy into the corporate world in order to enhance and protect the status of women.

Attention should be given to female decision-makers – MCA Publicity chief

Pakatan Rakyat Selangor Unfair in Awarding Contracts

Contractors visiting the official portal and website of the Selangor state government to submit their tenders discovered that they must require the signature or official chop of any state assemblymen or members of Parliament from Pakatan Rakyat only.

Pakatan Rakyat Selangor Unfair in Awarding Contracts